

The Demand for Change in the System

Infectious diseases, lack of resources, global warming, war and apocalypse
Alarmism that is not supposed to question the system, but instead causes panic and doubt about upcoming challenges; therefore, he calls for a change in the system. Who would have thought about the forces behind the virus lie, the climate lie, and the popularization of war? Enthusiasm for war is currently spreading and the same ideologists are hiding and using these dramatized scenarios to give themselves the pretext that global problems would demand global measures.

The patterns are slowly becoming recognizable. Once again, the Marxists want to emphasize and assert their demand for a complete change in the system. However, at the same time, they conceal very significant problems, only expresses them indirectly or in a critical distance where the actual reason remains unchallenged such as in capitalism and its Jewish international high finance. Not surprisingly, why should they toss their masters from their high horses. And so, this revolutionary activism is characterized by the elite and does not really claim to change any problematic conditions. Believing that it is necessary to gain mass consciousness, the revolutionary activism longs to implement its perverse ideology.

Capitalism apparently seems to approach a final phase, which requires a reset or a replacement, which is not surprising at all by a system that has no continuity, more about that perhaps in another article and why this background is consciously discretized ...